Error when printing schedule as PDF

A few Windows customers have reported errors when printing schedules as PDF. We have found that the errors most often occur when the schedules are large and the DPI of the PDF printer is set very high.

These errors include:

  • Incorrect alignment of parts of the schedule
  • The schedule is printed only to a certain point

To resolve the printing error, change the PDF printer DPI settings to a value lower than 600 dpi. Typically, 300 dpi is the next available preset value. This setting is sufficient for printing high-quality schedules.

To change the DPI settings:

  1. While in Print Preview, go to Print Setup
  2. Select PDF Writer as printer
  3. Select Preferences/Properties (wording may be different, depending on printer driver)
  4. Go to Paper/Quality tab (again, exact tab may be different depending on printer driver - locate the appropriate tab which has Advanced options)
  5. Select Advanced...
  6. Change Print Quality to a dpi lower than 600
  7. Select OK to apply settings and close all printer dialogs
  8. Print schedule as PDF
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