There are many ways to share schedules with those who do not have FastTrack Schedule 10.
Export as Picture
This feature will take a snapshot of the portion of the schedule that is being viewed on screen. This will export visible columns, rows, and the timeline graph. The exported picture can be saved as commonly used graphic formats (.jpg, .png, .bmp, .tiff, etc.). Therefore, the exported schedule can be easily viewed on any computer that can open these common graphic formats.
1. From the File menu (or Application Button), select Export > Picture (small preview of what will be exported is displayed)
2. Click on Browse to locate where to save the file
3. Select desired graphic format
Print to PDF (Mac)
The Mac operating system has a built-in PDF writer. To save your schedule as PDF on Mac:
1. From the File menu, select Print
2. Locate PDF at the bottom left corner of Print dialog, select Save as PDF
3. Locate where to save printed PDF of schedule
Print to PDF (Win)
If your company has a licensed copy of Adobe Acrobat (not to be confused with Adobe Reader) or a similar PDF writer, schedules can be printed to a PDF document. If you have a PDF Writer installed, create a .PDF file by following these steps:
1. From the File menu (or Application Button), select Print
2. Your PDF Writer should be listed as a printer, select it and then choose Print
3. Choose the location and filename for the .PDF file
4. Open the newly created .PDF file
Don't have a PDF writer? For those who do not have such an application, we recommend a free application that will allow you to create a PDF from any program, including FastTrack Schedule. Click here to download CutePDF Writer and follow the provided instructions for the installation process. Once CutePDF Writer and the Converter have been installed, the directions for Print to PDF (Win) may be followed.
Additional exporting/sharing options can be found by going to the File menu (or Application Button) and selecting Export.
How can I share my schedule with a colleague who does not have FastTrack Schedule 10?
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